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    Zhou Xin, a friend of our department, received the 2019 “scientific exploration award”, and principal Zhao Lingyun sent a letter of congratulations.

    PostBy: 本科生    addtime: 2019-12-14 11:23:57   hit:

    Recently, Tencent Foundation announced the winner list of 2019 “scientific exploration award”, our hospital friend Zhou Xin won the “scientific exploration award” in the field of advanced manufacturing.


    Comrade Zhou Xin was an undergraduate majored in educational technology of level 1995 in the information technology departmentnow institute of information Technology Education. After graduation, he entered the Wuhan insitute of physics and mathematics, Chinese academy of sciences to study for a master’s degree and obtained a doctor’s degree. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University and a research assistant at the university of California, Berkeley, currently he is a secondary researcher, doctoral director and deputy director of the Wuhan institute of physics and mathematics, Chinese academy of sciences. He has been selected into the “ten thousand plan” of the organization department of the CPC central committee, “one hundred plan” of the Chinese academy of sciences, “national science of foundation for outstanding young people”, “new century high-level talent project” of Hubei Province, “outstanding young scientific and technological workers” of Wuhan City,“Huang He yingcai planof Wuhan City,etc. In 2012, Zhou Xin hold the post of national major instruments develop special chief scientist. In 2013, he led the team and won the “China production-study-research cooperation innovation achievement award”. In 2016, he won the award for young scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences and China patent award. In 2017, Zhou Xin was awarded one of the first batch of "outstanding alumni of information back to the han" in Wuhan, and in 2018, he was elected a deputy to the Hubei provincial people’s congress. In 2019, He won the “Science and Technology innovator of the year 2018”. Zhou Xin was mainly engaged in magnetic resonance spectroscopy(NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) new technology and new methods of research, committed to the development of ultra-sensitive magnetic resonance instruments, lung and brain magnetic resonance new methods, multi-mode molecular imaging new technology, and expanded their applications in biomedical, chemical, physical and other aspects.


    Zhou Xin, a researcher, has always had a deep affection for his Alma mater. He once told the story of the long journey to the peak of scientific research at the second exhibition of “the story of the Chinese teacher”, detailing his love for his Alma mater:I have always believed that the value of a university cannot be judged by the salary of its graduates. The cars they drive and the houses they live in should not be taken as the criterion, but the impact of their graduates on society and mankind. Education is not only to educate people, but also to let people know how to give back. A successful entry into the world is a miracle, and every step of the way contributes to the upbringing of school, family and society. Therefore, if you know how to give back, you will understand life and happiness. Happiness is the feeling of positive feedback between people. A person who knows how to give back is a respectable person and a responsible person. The spirit of ‘loyalty to liberal arts, simplicity and fortitude’ and the school motto of ‘seeking truth and innovation, cultivating morality’ have influenced every student of the Chinese normal university imperceptibly, and they will certainly accompany me all my life.


    Zhao Lingyun, President of Central China normal university, deputy secretary of the party committee and President of the alumni association, sent a congratulatory letter to Zhou Xin on behalf of all the alumni. President Zhao said in his letter,as an outstanding alumnus of Central China normal university, you are highly responsible for your work, emancipate your mind, forge ahead, and work hard. You have made outstanding achievements and won the trust and full recognition of the party and the people. To this end, all the alumni of the university are proud. We firmly believe that you will continue to carry forward the spirit ofloyalty to liberal arts, simplicity and fortitudeand uphold the school motto ofseeking truth and innovation, cultivating morality’ so as to make new contributions to the innovation and development of China’s advanced manufacturing field in the new era.


    Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of tencent and founder of the tencent foundation, and Rao Yi, professor of Peking University, jointly initiated the award together with scientists such as Yang Zhenning, Mao Shude, He Huawu and Wu Hequan. At the same time, Xu Kuangdi, Wang Zhizhen, Xu Guanhua, Pan Yunhe, Xu zhihong and other renowned scientists at home and abroad will act as consultants to provide guidance for the future operation of the award. Each year, 50 young science and technology workers will be selected in nine fields of basic science and cutting-edge core technology. The upper age limit is 45 and each winner will receive rmb600, 000 a year for five consecutive years, in the hope of inspiring generations of young people to pursue scientific exploration. The science discovery awards will be funded by enterprises and run for the public good, without seeking commercial returns, and will continue to operate for along time. At the same time, we will continue to hold various activities around the " science exploration award" to help build an interdisciplinary communication platform for young science and technology workers.