The 23rd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2019)
中国  武汉|华中师范大学

Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE)

Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE) is an international academic conference organized by Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE). Now, GCCCE has become a major academic gathering for global Chinese scholars and education practitioners in the field of information and information technology integrated education applications. GCCCE aims to gather education policy makers, scholars, education practitioners, principals and front-line teachers from all over the world to share practical methods and successful experience on the application of computer education, so as to promote education informatization and education innovation.

Theme of GCCCE 2019:
Prospective wisdom of science and technology and humanities

Humanity is powerful because of science and technology, but great because of humanity. At present, the creative cluster formed by the global Chinese community is facing with how to operate sustainablely and lead the world toward the scientific and technological age with humanistic quality. The current focus is on the combination of science and technology and humanity through prospective science and technology and creative wisdom. Through the theme of 'prospective wisdom of science and technology and humanities', the conference hopes to cooperate with the digital learning research of global Chinese and join hands in the new century.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission: September 1, 2018 to November 23, 2018 extended to December 21, 2018.

    (Full paper, 8 pages; short paper, 4 pages; poster, 2 pages)

    (In order to allow sufficient time for the organizing committee to provide participants with better meetingarrangements, this is the final deadline. Let us work together for a rich and perfect meeting!)

  • Notification of paper acceptance: February 22, 2019

  • Final paper deadline: March 8, 2019. The paper shall be modified according to review comments.

  • Paper registration deadline: April 22, 2019 (Early Bird Registration April 12, 2019)

    (Early Bird Registration April 12, 2019)

  • Date of participants’ registration: March 1, 2019 to April 22, 2019

    (Early Bird Registration April 12, 2019)

Conference Papers Winners

Download: Winners list of papers

Conference Proceedings Download

Download:Doctoral Student Proceedings

Download:Teacher Forum Proceedings

Download:Workshop Proceedings

Download:Conference Proceedings